Science Based Fat Loss:
The Skinny on Weight Loss
4 Hacks: Lose Fat and Keep It Permanently Lost!
Science-Based Fat Loss is what we all should use as a guide to permanent fat and weight loss.
Health experts have campaigned for years for us to lose weight. It’s always the same formula: diet and exercise.
But even though they’ve watched as nations have grown and grown, they haven’t changed tack. We’re more overweight than we ever were, and the problem is only getting worse.
The statistics on weight loss are truly shocking. On average, dieters make between four and five attempts at losing weight. And when all’s said and done, 95 percent of those hoping to lose weight regain all of it back.
It’s clear that we need to find ways to understand our bodies and ourselves better. With renewed understanding, the fat should melt away.
Science Based Fat Loss: Hack #1
Exercising More Doesn’t Mean You’ll Necessarily Lose Fat
The fitness industry gives off the impression that we should be spending a lot of time in the gym.
Complex routines often take more than an hour to complete. But the science doesn’t seem to suggest that exercising longer is better for fat loss.
In 2012, scientists published a study in the American Journal of Physiology. They investigated the effect of 30 minutes (compared to an hour) of exercise per day on people who were otherwise sedentary.
Over a 13 week period, the people who worked out for 30 minutes per day actually lost more weight than those who exercised for longer.
The results seemed counter-intuitive. The researchers suggested that shorter bouts of exercise reduce the need to take in extra calories.
In other words, when people exercised more, they tend to overshoot their calories and eat too much after the exercise.
When it comes to weight loss, women are often advised to lose it slowly and steadily over an extended period of time. That way, the loss of fat is sustainable, right?
Well, relatively recent science casts doubt on that notion. A study published in 2010 found that women who lose more than 1.5 pounds per week had more success keeping the weight off.
By comparison, those who lost less than half a pound a week saw greater increases in weight later on.
Today, there are many products which help speed up the weight loss process. The research suggested that the women who lost weight the fastest probably made the most dramatic changes to their lifestyle.
So making radical changes to one’s diet and exercise routine may actually be beneficial.
Science Based Fat Loss: Hack #2
Your Metabolism Doesn’t Own You
Many women feel trapped inside a body with a “slow” metabolism. The mere sight of a cupcake or cheese board goes to their hips.
But you’re not stuck with a slow metabolism if you don’t want to be. There are things that you can do to improve it and shift some of that excess fat.
Boosting your metabolism has become a subject of legend. There are all sorts of miracle cures meant to speed it up. But what exactly is it?
Your metabolism is your body’s capacity to derive energy from food. Your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns that energy.
Women with fast metabolisms might get through 2,500 calories worth of energy in a day, just by being alive. Women with slow metabolic rates might get through as few as 1,200.
A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning claims to have found a way to speed up metabolism.
Researchers discovered that strength training doubled the calories burned in a single gym session. They concluded that it could prevent a significant chunk of the slowdown in metabolism as women aged.
In theory, gaining muscle should speed up metabolism, since muscle uses more energy at rest than fat.
Science Based Fat Loss: Hack #3
Writing Can Help You Lose Fat
It might sound a bit far-fetched to suggest that writing can cause weight loss. But that is precisely what researchers writing in the Journal of Psychological Science found.
Writing, they observed, led to a lower BMI, smaller waistline and lower overall weight.
So what should you write about? How about starting your own blog on WordPress, describing your journey to better health?
Or how about writing about something else that’s valuable to you, like religion, politics or relationships?
The researchers suggested that writing helped people focus their attention. They weren’t thinking about food. Neither did they have negative thoughts that led them to eat food for comfort!
Science Based Fat Loss: Hack #4
Sleep Regulates Fat Loss Hormones
The length of time you sleep has a beneficial effect on your weight, according to Nutrition and Diabetes.
Researchers found that those who slept for 8 hours per night lost 56 percent more fat than those who only slept for 5.5 hours.
The researchers believed that this was because sleep regulates hormones like ghrelin. These hormones determine hunger and fat storage.