Follow A Consistent Fitness Routine for Optimal Health & Wellness
4 Tips to Get you Started!
To achieve long-term weight loss and fitness results, you need to follow a consistent fitness routine. This is the name of the game. Your successful weight loss and fitness game...
Of course, diet for fuel and sustenance is vital. So you need to eat clean, and adopt a premium diet..Because you are tackling obesity or biohacking your way to fitness, you must also observe several lifestyle factors in addition to your consistent fitness routine.
Such important lifestyle components to your weight loss and fitness success should include sufficient sleep, eating clean and adopting an optimal diet.
Also, do not forget lifestyle changes like massively reducing stress , reduce your alcohol consumption and stopping smoking..>

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With these in place, you now need to implement a consistent fitness and exercise routine. And stick to it! Deciding to go to the gym or go for a run only when you feel like it isn’t productive or serious..However, it can be difficult to summon up sufficient get-fit motivation to do your fitness routine on a sound consistent basis.
So, we’re here to help.
Below are 4 tips to help you get started so you can rock your workout!
1. Set Smart Goals
Perhaps you failed in your previous fat loss attempts. If so, what were your reasons? Find out what they were. And when you know them, you must play smarter this time.
The first step toward success is to be consistent in your workout. And the smart step to achieve this is to set goals. And your goal could be losing 10 kilos or getting rid of 3 inches of belly fat.
If you don’t know what you are trying to achieve, you can’t achieve it..This is where SMART goals come in. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound..
Make all of your goals with these things in mind. By doing so, you are more likely to go after them and actually accomplish them..It can be hard to learn how to make SMART goals. However, like with anything, once you get the hang of it, you will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!

2. Hold Yourself Accountable
Right! You’ve made your SMART goals and you know you WANT to achieve them.
So now, the second step is that you need to keep yourself accountable..There are many ways to do this including using fitness and weight loss apps. These do work.
However, you have only yourself to hold you yourself accountable. What if you feel lazy or depressed one day. Or you have post-workout muscle soreness. And don’t feel like it….And you decide to skip your workout? Not so good.
A better, smarter and more effective way is get your friends and family involved. Of course, they will help support you in reaching your goals..Additionally, because these are people close to you who will care for your welfare, they will keep you accountable.
How? They might remind you, or tell you off if you end up sliding a bit. Or they might give you a pep talk to help you to get back on track..These people care just as much about your success. And to do that, they make you toe the line in keeping up with your consistent fitness routine. Day in, day out. And until you succeed.
3. Go with a Buddy or A Coach
Another way to keep yourself accountable is to work out with a buddy or a coach. Sustaining your goal long-term can be tough and your motivation can wax and wane like the phases of the moon. Only in your case, you might get off-track...
So with this buddy or coach as your weight-loss shadow, you will be setting up specific days and times to workout. And because you will be held accountable, you will automatically want to keep those dates and times!
On top of this, your buddy or coach can keep you on track to reach your fitness goals as well.,And the only smart way to reach your SMART fat loss and fitness goals is by sticking to your consistent fitness routine.
Besides, your are not only helping yourself. No, you are also helping your buddy with the same thing. A win-win situation for both concerned!
4. Start with Yoga
If you start small with something that doesn’t require as much physical exertion as, let’s say, a 2-hour circuit, you are more likely to establish routine...
Yoga is a great way to get started as there are many benefits of yoga. A yoga session can be very relaxing, reducing tension..You can attend classes that mix various skill levels..You might even want to try a family yoga session. When you do something as a family, it will be easier to turn it into a regular, consistent fitness routine.
Additionally, you may also want to add Thai Yoga Massage to your routine mix. This can help towards achieving your fitness and weight loss goals..Once you have established your reasons for wanting a consistent fitness routine, it’s time to get started. Find a place close by where you can start with those yoga lessons.
Once you get into a consistent fitness routine with yoga, you can keep it a part of your program. Then you can add to it with other workouts that help you reach your SMART goals..
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What are your challenges with exercising consistently? Share with us your tips and secrets below!
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