Health and Fitness Temporary Hiccups
How to Weather Them…

Sometimes, despite our meticulous planning and good intentions, things still do go wrong. Our diet plans go out of the window and our exercise regime falters.
However, this doesn’t mean we’ve failed. It’s a small bump on the road and doesn’t have to signal the end of our healthy lifestyle.
Health and Fitness Temporary Hiccups: Use these simple strategies to get back on track…
1. Figure out What Went Wrong
Whether it’s a blip in your diet or exercise plan, it’s important to figure out what factors contributed to going off-track.
Understanding what led to your choices, can help you take steps to prevent it from reoccurring.
Keeping a diary of your daily activities including your food choices can be helpful. This could help you pinpoint your weak areas.
Common problems where we can falter include:
- Feeling hungry and unsatisfied
- Being bored of the same old menu choices
- Cravings for a certain food group
- Pressure from family or friends
- Running out of healthy food choices
- Didn’t feel like cooking and so opted for a takeout
- Having had a few drinks and losing motivation
- Feeling under the weather and didn’t feel like working out
- Being too tired to get up early and go to the gym
- Being bored of your exercise regime
- Gaining a few pounds and thought, “…what’s the point?”
If you know where you flipped, you can change that. For example, if you’re feeling hungry, alter your menu to incorporate foods with a slow-energy release to make you feel fuller for longer.
Or, if a certain friend is pressuring you to eat out or drink too much, avoid situations where this may become a problem.
Don’t Make The Situation Worse
Things go wrong. Accept that and move on.
It’s important not to compound the problem by continuing down this path. Don’t put it off until tomorrow or after the weekend, get straight back onto your healthy plan. Start today.
Give Yourself A Boost
Don’t beat yourself up about the blip. You’re only human, and it happens to the even the most professional fitness trainers.
Feelings of failure or inadequacy lead to unhealthy choices and will only compound the problem.
Give yourself a boost and kick-start your plan. Arrange an extra or extended workout but make sure it something fun that you will enjoy.
Plan some new healthy recipes which are tasty and tempting.
Make sure you’re drinking enough water. This will help to flush impurities out of your system. Water filter jugs are great, as they ensure your drinking water is free from chemicals.
Replace Unhealthy Treats With Something Healthier
If you have always seen food as a treat and a reward, this can be a difficult habit to break.
For example, you may be used to having a few glasses of wine at the end of a bad day.
Or, perhaps you always have a bar of chocolate on a Saturday afternoon while relaxing. Sound familiar?
It’s important that you still treat yourself, but now just do it in a healthier way.
Rather than those glasses of wine, perhaps you could have a massage or a long bubble bath instead. That chocolate could be replaced by a magazine or a new lipstick.

Any change is difficult, and it is particularly difficult if you’re trying to change old habits.
Don’t beat yourself up. You’re just human. Get back on track as soon as possible and avoid making the problem worse.
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