Why Should You Keep Going Back To The Gym?
5 Beneficial Reasons to do so!

Has your gym attendance had a habit of being a touch patchy? The cycle is fairly simple, but it’s one that thousands of people fall into year-in-year-out. It tends to follow the same pattern each time.
Perhaps the steps along this downward spiral will sound familiar?
The Burst Of Enthusiasm
It might be through discovering your clothes aren’t fitting as well as you’d like or having a major event to want to look your best for.
You have a new burst of enthusiasm for working out. It’s going to be different this time!
This is a whole brand new you and you just know it’s going to stick this time. In fact, you decide you’re going to visit your local gym today and get the ball rolling. And you’re going to keep going too!
You buy new workout gear. You work out your schedule so you can fit the requisite number of visits in. And you truly think you’ve turned a corner this time.
The Downhill Phase Begins
After a few weeks, you no longer feel excited with the idea of the gym. In fact, you no longer feel excited by the idea of a new you.
You just can’t seem to summon up the excitement for the idea of transformation. In fact, you decide you’re not such a big fan of the idea you have to “change” at all. The old you was alright, wasn’t it?!
Slowly but surely, your gym visits begin to wane. What was, for awhile, a thrice weekly activity is now down to a couple of times a fortnight. You’re not getting fit in that time. There’s no weight loss to speak of. And those new clothes you bought are stiffening with lack of use.
The Stop
Life takes over and you have more pressing things to do with your time. The gym sounds boring. Even thinking about it sounds boring. So… you stop thinking about it.
And then, you stop going.
The New Burst Of Enthusiasm
Weeks, months, even years pass and you don’t think of getting any more use out of that gym membership you bought.
Then there is a new event or reason to tone up on the horizon. And before you know it, you’re right back to that first burst of enthusiasm again! So the whole cycle is on its way to repeating itself.
So How Can You Stop This From Happening?
Part of the above problem is how driven it is by personality.
Unless you fixate on the idea of losing weight and/or getting fit a priority, it will eventually slide down the list of things you think is important to do.
You can’t so easily change your personality. However, you can learn a few of the ways that previous non-gym enthusiasts used to make sure that stayed the course this time.
Below are 5 steps to do this:
1) Keep It Simple To Begin With
Rather than going all out from the start and risking injury, start gently to begin with.
You don’t want to immediately feel like your decision is some kind of punishment. Don’t punish yourself like you have signed up for something awful that’s going to make you miserable.
Nothing blunts enthusiasm like making your body sore and tired. So keep it basic to begin with: gentle jogs, simple yoga stretches. This is about feeling better, not wrecking your enthusiasm.
2) Get A Gym Buddy
If you buddy up with someone, then you immediately have another person nudging you to remember to make time for your workout.
Not only do you have someone to keep you on track, but you also have someone to talk to when the going gets rough! This someone is going to understand what you’re going through.
It makes sense to try and find a gym buddy who is around the same fitness level as you. It’s tough to empathize with one another if you’re at vastly different points towards your fitness goals.
3) Make It Routine
It’s not an addition to your daily habits or something that can be swept aside if something better comes along.
You have to learn to schedule it with the same importance you would give to work and other social activities.
4) Don’t Take Breaks
If life goes through a busy stage, it can be tempting to think that going to the gym is something that can wait until you have a bit more time.
You decide to give yourself a couple of weeks just to get everything else in your life back on an even keel. This might sound like a good way of going about things, but it has one problem: things might take a very long time to get back on an even keel.
Weeks, months, could pass by, and there will always be another justification for not going. It’s preferable to keep a routine going even if you’re only managing 10 minutes at a time. It stops things from getting complicated.
5) Sign Up With A Personal Trainer
It can give you a reason to keep going. It also gives you someone to be accountable to if you decide you don’t want to go anymore.
If you find yourself having to offer excuses that sound feeble even to yourself, then it will be even harder to justify to an engaged party.
What’s more, a trainer might give you the chance to make working out feel good on a consistent basis. If you enjoy what you’re doing (and the inevitable positive results), then you’re far more likely to want to continue to do it.

Going through cycles of going to the gym doesn’t have to be an endless reality, so why not try one of the above to keep your bursts of enthusiasm going for good?
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