How to Kick Start Your Fitness Journey
3 Of The Best Hacks!

Kick Start Your Fitness Journey …. and it is now the perfect time to just start. Why? January is a tricky month to navigate, wouldn’t you agree? It is filled with motivation and inspiration to do new things.
Tackle those new year’s resolutions and make the positive changes for an even better year than the last. Some like to focus on weight loss, while others like to look at their whole lifestyle and make some changes for the better.
So how can you go from nothing to being a fitness legend? The truth is, we have such high expectations for January, that often we can fail at the first hurdle and then subsequently give up on any future efforts.
This is why I thought I would share with you some of the best ways to kick start your fitness journey today. Remember things like this tend to be a marathon, not a sprint. No pun intended!
Start Your Fitness Journey: Best Hacks #1
Decide how you should do it, and then do it
It may sound crazy but making an active decision on the best way for you to kick start your fitness journey is a positive step to getting on the right track.
Believe it or not, your thought process plays a big part in your motivation to do things. So if you are comfortable with a decision, you are more like to go through with it.
If fitness for you means going to a gym, then join one and get started. A quick look online will highlight your local fully equipped gym to help you get started.
If you prefer a particular type of exercise, or think you may get more enjoyment out of something a little more fun or different like zumba or swimming. In such a case, seek out local facilities or classes to help you kick start that journey for good.
Be confident in what makes you happy with giving things a go.
Start Your Fitness Journey: Best Hacks #2
Have all the right gear so you feel prepared
It may sound crazy, but psychologically this can work. .
If you feel like you have all the right gear and feel prepared to take on the activity you want to do, then you are more likely to go through with it as your confidence is there to take you forward.
Often when it comes to developing new habits like exercising or increasing fitness levels, you really need to nurture your mindset as well.
You mind is a powerful tool, and the difference between being successful at something or giving up. Feeling like you are ready to go will help you to think positively about the activity, whatever that may be. Yes, you’re well on your way … Kick Start Your Fitness Journey!
Start Your Fitness Journey: Best Hacks #3
Be more active in your daily life
For example, making conscious decisions to be more active in daily life will be helping your overall journey. .
Walking somewhere instead of driving. Taking the stairs instead of lifts. Even walking your dog daily are all positive lifestyle choices which can help you stay o track with your main focus.
I hope these three things help you kick start your fitness journey this year.
What are your challenges along your fitness journey? Share with us your tips and secrets below!
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