Lifting Heavier Weights…
Preparations for Building Muscle Mass
4 Tips to Success!
There are many reasons to work out: to improve your fitness, lose weight or give yourself a confidence boost. You may also choose to hit the gym in order to become more muscular, in which case you’ll be spending a lot of time lifting weights.
If you are looking to increase your muscle mass, however, it’s not as simple as just lifting the heaviest weights you can find. Not only will that prove ineffective, it could even be dangerous.
So make sure you read the following tips before you start lifting.
Lifting Heavier Weights for Muscle Mass: Tip #1
Focus on your technique first
One of the major issues that people have when they start lifting weights is that they don’t take the necessary time to get their technique right first.
Maintaining the right form can help prevent injury, for example, by reducing the likelihood of tendons and muscles from suffering strains and tears.
The correct technique will also ensure that you are working the desired muscle group.
If you’re having to move your entire body in order to lift a dumbbell, for example, then you aren’t focusing your efforts on your biceps, but are putting unwanted strain on your shoulders and back.
Lifting Heavier Weights for Muscle Mass: Tip #2
You won’t turn into the Hulk overnight
It may come as something of a disappointment, but lifting weights won’t turn you into the Incredible Hulk, or even Mr Universe, overnight. In fact, if the only lifestyle change you’re making is lifting heavier weights, you may never get the results that you crave.
Alongside weightlifting, you’ll also need to stick to a clean, protein-rich diet. Eggs, nuts, lean beef and, of course, protein shakes are just some of the foods that should become mainstays of your diet.
When you eat is almost as important as you what you eat too. On rest days, you’ll want to reduce your carb intake, for example, to prevent yourself from gaining unwanted body fat.
For anyone that is still struggling to achieve the muscular frame that they’ve always dreamed of, then testosterone supplements can provide the helping hand you need to get ripped fast.
Lifting Heavier Weights for Muscle Mass: Tip #1
Start small and know when to increase
Come up with a number of sets and reps on a particular exercise and only increase your weight when you can complete them without it being too much of a challenge. If you move onto heavier weights too quickly you risk injuring yourself.
Lifting Heavier Weights for Muscle Mass: Tip #4
Take some recovery time
Rest is an important part of all exercise regimes and weightlifting is no exception. Over-training will leave you feeling weak and unable to operate at your peak performance, so it’s important to work hard, but take it easy every now and then.
It is, however, important to distinguish between the times when you need rest and the times where you are just feeling lazy. If it’s the former, take some rest, but if it’s the latter, you’ll need to come up with some extra motivation – in any case, always listen to your body.
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