Want to Stay Fit, But….You’ve Lost Your Motivation?
Fear not! 3 Suggestions You Can Implement!
It’s only two weeks into 2018, and there are no doubt some people who have already lost their motivation for a fitter, healthier, more productive year.
If that is you, don’t worry, it happens. Just because you have lost your motivation now doesn’t mean you have to call it a day and write this year off as a failure.
If you have suffered from a loss of motivation but still want to shake that weight, then all is not lost. .
It could be that your chosen fitness plan wasn’t viable. Maybe it wasn’t right for you with all your other commitments. Perhaps you just really hate the gym, or running solo, or you went too hard early on and suffered an injury.
1. Think Long-Term
It’s easy early on to feel like nothing is changing. This is particularly true if you are just starting out. .
You’re obviously not going to get a six-pack overnight; you’re not going to be able to run a 10K if you’ve only just discovered how to run.
So what you need to do instead is think long-term instead of short. This will give you something to aim for whether it be three, six, nine, or twelve months down the line.
It doesn’t matter if these long-term goals are small as being able to achieve them will further fuel your motivation. You can always modify what you want based on your progress.
2. Make A LifeStyle Change
One of the things that may have affected your motivation is your lifestyle.
It’s no good merely throwing on your workout gear if you then grab a pizza or KFC on the way home; you can’t outwork a bad diet.
Undertaking the necessary lifestyle changes is essential towards you achieving a happier and healthier life. It may not seem like much, but you will notice the difference pretty quickly and feel invigorated.
Replace fizzy drinks with water, prep your lunches instead of relying on the canteen, quit (or, at least cut down) on smoking and drinking. These are all small changes that will pay dividends sooner than you might anticipate.
3. Find An Exercise Buddy
Going to the gym or for a run by yourself can be a lonely task.
Some people prefer it as it means they can get on with what they want to do without distractions, but for others, having someone there for support is necessary to keep motivated.
If you started this fitness odyssey alone, then it is only understandable that you might have given up.
But having a buddy where you can both motivate the other, even if it is just a digital buddy, can ease the struggles you find to drag yourself out of bed and along those roads towards the gym and, of course, better fitness and health.
Excellent health and fitness are all about determination and dedication. Without them, you will be resigned to stop-start instances of exercise throughout the year.
Finding the right balance for you to achieve your goals is crucial to maintaining a consistent and continual habit. It might seem like a steep and insurmountable slope, but with the right attitude, you will get there and feel like a whole new person.
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