Why You never finish your workouts
3 Possible Reasons
Nothing’s worse than the feeling of failure which comes from doing less exercise than you intended to. More often than not, it’s this feeling which sees us giving up on our attempts altogether.
No matter how hard you try to tackle a full workout, you never manage it.
When you’re a quarter of the way through your planned routine, you feel like you would rather die than continue. So, you walk away and then feel guilty about your failure.
EVERYONE who attempts exercise experiences this at some stage. You feel humiliating, disappointing, and generally not worth the trouble and getting stressed about. If you’re going to give up anyway, why bother? Oh, the vicious cycle of exercise!
Well, the first thing is that you should never give yourself a hard time for trying to exercise. So what if you have to turn that workout DVD off before it was halfway through? You got up and did the thing. That’s more than many people can say.
So, pat yourself on the back and stop with this nonsense about ‘not bothering’ and losing motivation..Then, consider whether the following 3 reasons are behind your inability to finish.
Why You never finish your workouts, Possible Reason #1
You set unrealistic goals
Exercise is about stamina, and you aren’t going to have enough of it to keep going for half an hour when you start.
Instead, you may find that exercising in ten minute bursts both makes exercise easier and stops those feelings of failure. That will then keep you returning to exercise each day for long enough to start building up.
Increase by five minutes every few days, and you’ll hit half an hour with ease before you know.
Why You never finish your workouts, Possible Reason #2
You run out of energy
Nothing’s worse than coming over shaky when you’re exercising. It means you have to stop if you want to avoid passing out. Again, this is a leading cause of workout let-downs.
If this keeps happening to you, it suggests you aren’t providing yourself with the fuel you need ahead of time. You can tackle this by eating a protein and fibre heavy meal around 2 hours before each exercise session.
It may also be worth investing in something like this c4 pre workout for an energy boost before you start. It’s also worth keeping a bag of gummies in your pocket so that you can get a sugar boost if you need one at any time. That way, you’ll never need to stop prematurely due to a lack of steam.
It is a good idea to learn to balance exercise and eating and fine-tuning that delicate balance.
Why You never finish your workouts, Possible Reason #3
You don’t know your end goal
It’s also entirely possible that your issues here are down to the lack of an end goal.
It may be that you know you want to lose weight but haven’t settled on a number. This is akin to exercising into the abyss, and it lessens your motivation no end.
Make sure it doesn’t happen by deciding on an amount of weight you would like to lose by the end of your efforts. That number alone can keep you pushing through when the urge to give up threatens to beat you.
Getting to know the core reasons why you never finish your workouts may put you back into the driver’s seat and be in control. Once that happens, you’ll start enjoying your workouts and also the results you’ll see in your new body!.
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