Survive PostPartum Depression…
4 Tips for Surviving This including Weight Gain!
Most women are delighted when they get pregnant and look forward to the prospect of being a mom. However, many did not bargain for postpartum depression which afflicts many mothers after the birth of their babies. Postpartum depression destroys many women.
It happens to new moms who look at their babies and don’t feel the love for their new-born.
These women are told they will struggle to deal with the emotions. Many feel that they are a bad mother and won’t be able to cope.
Many of these women are prescribed medications to help with this stress, anxiety and depression. The surprising result very often is a big weight gain, often increasing the dress size up to as many as two. This is a double whammy which only increases the poor woman’s depression.
Hopefully, the women reading this will never have to deal with PPD in their lives. But, considering 10-15% of American women get it, it’s important to understand a few facts.
Below are 4 other aspects to keep in mind, all of which, if not managed well, lead to deeper depression and anxiety, leading to a increased unconscious urge to eat as a compensation. Result: Weight Gain.
1. “Me” Time
Doting moms never want to leave their child’s side, and that makes you think you have to do the same.
Every mom is different and most need a break from time to time. Indeed, mothers who don’t suffer from postpartum depression need a release every now and again.
The trick is not to see it as a sign of weakness. Just because you need some “me” time doesn’t make you a terrible parent.This shows that you’re human. So, grab the next opportunity for free babysitting when someone offers. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Additionally, when you feel better having had ‘me’ time, you’ll be less inclined to eat or binge eat as a compensation. So the important “me” time is a fantastic weight control tool at this stage in your life.
2. Exercise
Exercise encourages the brain to release mood-inducing chemicals and hormones. Plus, there is the fact that it takes your mind off life for a while.
And, it’s not as if you have to spend every waking second in the gym. New moms are busy and tired. So walking is an excellent exercise and postpartum weight loss pastime according to experienced researchers.
Put the baby in the stroller and use exercise as a means to bond, get rid of excess weight, and get some “me” time and release any tension.
3. Sick Pay
There is nothing worse than being depressed and having to deal with the daily grind of work. The monotony is enough to make the feelings worse, which is the last thing you need.
However, it’s not as if you can get a doctor to sign off and get paid, right? And, the government won’t give you benefits, will they? It depends on each individual case, yet mental disorders class as disabilities too.
An experienced disability law firm should be able to strike a compromise if your employer / government isn’t flexible. Money is the last thing you want on your mind but you’ve still got to pay the bills for the sake of your child.
4. Breastfeeding
When the connection with your child isn’t there, it’s essential to find ways to bond. There is no point in forcing it. Still, some methods are so personal that you can’t help but feel as one.
Breastfeeding is a prime example. Although you provide for your baby daily, this simple act can put it into perspective. Plus, there are links between this and a decline in PPD.
Remember that you’re not alone and there is always somewhere to turn to.
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Share with us below your challenges after the birth of your baby. Did you suffer from depression? Did you gain excess weight? Do you have tips and secrets to share?
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