Are You Up to Squeezing Exercise Into The Busiest Of Schedules?
Use These 4 Common Sense Tricks To Stay Fit!
Is it just us or have the days got shorter? There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day anymore.
It is a constant battle to try and tick off even half of the things on our to-do lists, let alone find time to squeeze in a quick trip to the gym.
We have work to do, family to spend time with, chores to complete and a trillion other things to juggle too. So when on earth are we meant to have time to keep fit?
Well, don’t panic just yet! We have come up with a list of clever ways for you to sneak a cheeky workout into your day. And the great thing is that your don’t have to sacrifice your other responsibilities either!
1.Commute Is Just Another Word For Workout (Common sense, huh?)
It could be that you run home from work instead of taking the subway. It could be that you get off the subway three stops early and walk the rest of the way.
Perhaps you could swap your car for a bicycle and get into shape while also saving the environment?
There are countless alternatives. Most of them will just require some sportswear, a rucksack and a fanny pack. Easy peasy.
Lunch Breaks Don’t Have To Be For Lunch
So why not start eating some form of healthy salad at your desk?
Then use your hour’s break to sneak off to the gym and enjoy a short blitz on whatever machine takes your fancy. Genius, huh?
Who Needs A Gym Anyway?
Why bother going to the gym? Think about it, instead of having to go through the pain – and time – of getting to the gym, working out and then getting back from the gym, you could just workout at home. Seriously.
The hardest part will be looking at what is out there in terms of fitness equipment for sale, and then buying it. After that, it is just a matter of setting your alarm that little bit earlier. Get going and do a quick circuit using your shiny new weights and rowing machine, and then carrying on your day as normal.
4. Done and dusted in 15 minutes: Start Doing Exercise Everywhere
Perhaps you can scroll through your emails while balancing on one leg and thus work your core. .
Or do a quick set of press-ups while you wait for the kettle to boil each morning.
It could even be that you purchase a little step up machine which goes under your desk, allowing you to keep active and keep working.
It is just a matter of time management when you look at it from that angle!
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